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Assassin's Creed
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
$8.50 USD
Basim Ibn Ishaq (Showcase)
$8.75 USD
Sunbaked Canyon (Borderless)
$7.25 USD
Caduceus, Staff of Hermes
$6.75 USD
Basim Ibn Ishaq (Foil Etched)
$5.50 USD
$6.25 USD
Kassandra, Eagle Bearer
$4.25 USD
Eivor, Wolf-Kissed (Showcase)
$4.00 USD
Staff of Eden, Vault's Key
The Capitoline Triad
Temporal Trespass (Extended Art)
Mjolnir, Storm Hammer
$3.75 USD
Crystal Skull, Isu Spyglass
$3.50 USD
The Spear of Leonidas (Foil Etched)
$3.00 USD
Evie Frye (Showcase)
Bayek of Siwa (Showcase)
Ratonhnhake:ton (Showcase)
$2.75 USD
Senu, Keen-Eyed Protector (Showcase)
$2.50 USD
Coastal Piracy (Foil Etched)
$2.25 USD
The Spear of Leonidas (Extended Art)
Templar Knight
$2.00 USD
Mary Read and Anne Bonny
Jacob Frye (Showcase)
The Spear of Leonidas
$1.75 USD
Leonardo da Vinci
Bayek of Siwa
Eivor, Wolf-Kissed
Fatal Push
$1.50 USD
Senu, Keen-Eyed Protector
Terminate (Foil Etched)
Rest in Peace
$1.00 USD
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