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Doctor Who
The Thirteenth Doctor (Serialized)
$311.75 USD
The War Doctor (Showcase) (Surge Foil)
$17.00 USD
Flaming Tyrannosaurus (Extended Art)
$10.75 USD
Gallifrey Falls // No More (Surge Foil)
$9.25 USD
The Parting of the Ways (Surge Foil)
$8.50 USD
The Twelfth Doctor (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$8.00 USD
Wedding Ring (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$7.50 USD
Ensnared by the Mara (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$6.50 USD
The Fifth Doctor (Showcase) (Surge Foil)
$5.50 USD
Cyberman Patrol (Showcase)
$4.75 USD
Cyberman Patrol
$5.00 USD
The Master, Gallifrey's End (Showcase) (Surge Foil)
$4.00 USD
Cyber Conversion (Extended Art)
The Tenth Doctor (Showcase)
War Room (Extended Art)
Blasphemous Act
$3.00 USD
River Song (Surge Foil)
$3.25 USD
The Curse of Fenric (Surge Foil)
$2.75 USD
Wilfred Mott (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$2.25 USD
The Master, Multiplied (Extended Art)
$2.50 USD
Horizon Canopy (Extended Art)
TARDIS (Showcase)
Rose Tyler (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$2.00 USD
Missy (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$1.50 USD
Trenzalore Clocktower (Extended Art)
The Beast, Deathless Prince (Surge Foil)
Five Hundred Year Diary (Extended Art)
Rose Tyler (Surge Foil)
$1.00 USD
The Seventh Doctor (Extended Art) (Surge Foil)
$1.25 USD
Regenerations Restored (Surge Foil)
Star Whale
The Wedding of River Song (Surge Foil)
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